What happens when you see a TV series on the Untold History of the United States by John Oliver? What happens when you start the series only to realize it actually said Oliver Stone? Interesting material, but the humor was just lacking. Try again Oliver Stone.
Bad puppy!
I fell over today when I threw my head to and fro in a giant arc, bellowing that my dog, Tchai, betrayed me by not coming up to the bedroom to keep me and Bea, my other dog, company while I dressed for the day.

Embodiment of my muse
Ray is life. Life is Ray. The world would be a better place if we all practiced Ray. Fatter, lazier, but happy, content and zen.

As god is my witness, I’ll never go hungry (without rulers) again!!!!
Cooped up hyper-awareness observations:
I’m laid up after ankle surgery and an upside are all the things you never noticed before
1. Something is on the lower corner of the hallway into the kitchen – it’s not mud, it’s black and resistant to cleaning. What is it? How long has it been there? Have people come into my home, noticed it and wondered how I could allow something like that to persist so long with out fixing it? I cleaned it off now, but is it too late? Am I forever judged? What else don’t I notice?!
2. There is water damage on the mudroom ceiling – it is ribbly and flabby.
3. Despite my previous stand, I can sit for hours watching TV for days on end.
4. Even dogs can get too much lovin’.
5. Unwashed toes poking out from the cast acquire an odd texture after 3 weeks. The skin doesn’t get softer, it gets crunchy and flakey.
First Post since forever
I’ve uploaded some essays. I don’t know what I am doing actually, but that’s normal for me. I’d like to post a blog about an essay or such and then have them all available. This first real post is about a horrible experience I had with my grammatically proper husband and how he rained on my parade without the slightest bit of regret.
It’s Off Pudding to Say the Least
Hello world!
By learning how to create and manage a blog, some critical knowhow will certainly be lost. I am hoping to continue being able to dress and feed myself, but you never know.
This is the first pdf file I have added. To this post. First, ever.